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The Space Between

Traveling in Argentina and Chile in 2018, I was struck by the vast spaciousness of the land -- the spaces between the natural forms -- as much or more than the forms themselves. The space between was the container for the forms, allowing them to express themselves with greater depth and dimension in the landscapes. Taken with a vintage Hasselblad film camera, these images are of the spaces between majestic vistas of Argentina and Chile, whether a snow capped volcano sharing space with a glacial lake, seemingly endless salt flats embracing lone flamingos, llamas, and other creatures, or ancient trees intertwined, finding their way to the light. Silver gelatin prints are available for purchase (see contact page).

11_Laguna Miniques.jpg
Laguna Miniques
From the Series The Space Between
Atacama Desert, Chile 2018
toned silver gelatin photograph
© Barbara Winderman Photography
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